Faktor-IPS License

On this page you will find all information about the dual license model of Faktor-IPS.

Absolventenhut auf blauem Hintergrund

License information for Faktor-IPS

Faktor-IPS is available under a dual licensing scheme, where the use of Faktor-IPS in projects is licensed as compatible with AGPL Version 3 may use Faktor-IPS under the terms of the compatible license. Please see agpl-3.0. However, if this licensing is incompatible with your use of Faktor-IPS, alternative license terms can be discussed with Faktor Zehn GmbH. Please fill out the contact form.

The following additional permissions and restrictions are stated by Faktor Zehn GmbH in accordance with section 7 of the AGPL:

If you modify the Program or any covered work, by linking or combining it with libraries of the namespace org.eclipse.* and org.junit (including dependencies or a modified version of these libraries), thus containing parts covered by the terms of Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 (EPL), the licensors of this Program grant you the additional permission to convey the resulting work.

If you modify the Program or any covered work, without changing its source code, only by linking or combining some or all bundles of the Program with separate works covered by AGPL- incompatible license terms, the licensors of this Program grant you the additional permission to convey the resulting work.

You are not allowed to remove or alter any legal notices in the covered work or in the Appropriate Legal Notices.

How to open the License Agreement in Eclipse

  • Screenshot Eclipse IDE

    After installing Faktor-IPS (regardless of how the programwas installed), you can open the Faktor-IPS License Agreement in Eclipse by following these steps: Go to the Help>About Eclipse menu and open the “About Eclipse” dialog.

    Then click on Installation Details. This will open the Eclipse Installation Details dialog box.

  • Screenshot Eclipse IDE Installations Details

    On the Installed Software tab select “Faktor-IPS” and click on the Properties button. Then select Licence Agreement in the opening window.

Do you have questions about the Faktor-IPS License?

Get in touch with us now!